This is a highly-regarded business suggestion, but something that fixes the biggest immediate problem on the Clippers in about 5 minutes.

Here’s the problem: In a vacuum, both Westbrook and Harden are still productive NBA players deserving of starting on most teams, but it’s clear that neither one works optimally off-ball here. Westbrook isn’t a consistent enough shooter, and Harden lacks the off-ball movement and catch and shoot game to make it work perfectly. Maybe given some time and good coaching, the team becomes ok or even moderately good, but the fit will never be ideal. You can bench one of Harden/Westbrook, but Harden is desperate for the contract, and Westbrook probably views himself as having taken a big financial sacrifice to have a good basketball situation. There is no scenario where Harden is going to accept being benched in a contract year, and Westbrook rightfully shouldn’t have to accept a big financial sacrifice to just be benched and discarded.

How can Balmer fix this situation? Call Harden and offer whatever stupid contract he wants to be happy and accept a massively reduced bench role. Yes, it would be a dumb financial deal. It would suck to reward Harden for the team-shifting nonsense. But it would fix the Clippers biggest immediate problem of how to fix the collection of egos that don’t fit together. Once that’s done, the team would be in position to fix the missing pieces around them. It’s not an impossible task to then find some bench size and role players who fit the core roster.

As to why Balmer should consider such a dumb business deal: He’s pushing 70 and god knows what his health is like. He can spend $5 billion a year on stupid stuff and he won’t even come close to spending half his net worth before he kicks the bucket. Fixing his main toy by giving Harden some ridiculous contract would cost a ridiculously tiny percentage of his net worth.