• @kerpnetB
    28 months ago

    Android sucks. It feels like a budget, second-rate product. It’s not polished. It’s for nerds who like to customize everything. You open the web browser and it just seems janky. That’s my experience.

  • @rammleidB
    18 months ago

    This is nothing new, this trend has been reported already for the past couple of years. Kids aren’t stupid, they want something that works and is as fast as they are.

  • @DeeYumTofuB
    18 months ago

    You guys can blame Snapchat and Instagram for this. Using the android version of these apps is a terrible experience. The camera quality is noticeably worse because the apps just screenshot the viewfinder instead of working directly with the hardware(something iPhones don’t have an issue with). I can go through my stories and 9/10 I can clearly see who uses an android unless they upload their pics externally first. For teenagers this is a big deal.

  • @Big-Rip2640B
    18 months ago

    3 weeks ago, i got a base Galaxy S23 128gb for the same price that Iphone 11 128gb is sold brand new(around 500euro), as an ex iphone 11 user that wanted something new. Even iphone 12 128 was more expensive than S23.

    I wanted to go at least iphone 15 due to typeC(even though 60hz screen sucks), but it was almost double the price. Even iphone 13 was like 250 more expensive. Yes the iphone prices in Europe are crazy expensive.

    Thats my main issue with Apple. Their cheaper options are really bad/awful, especially in Europe.

    Their devices, even older models are crazy expensive, including the repairs.

    And the last part is something most teenagers dont think about a lot(until they brake it, then they notice how expensive they are).

  • @yadda4sureB
    18 months ago

    None of the kids that my daughter hangs out with have android phones and none of them talk about wanting any of the android phones that are available. It’s not even part of their vocabulary and some of them are very interested in tech but it’s all iPhones iPads, and Apple watches.

  • @MrMaleficentB
    18 months ago

    I’ll never forget a few months ago on Reddit I saw a dude comment the only reason so many teenagers have iPhones is because they usually don’t pay for it themselves, and they’re gonna switch to Android when they get older.

  • @burzucB
    18 months ago

    always has been and it’s not the states, it’s everywhere. ios is more oriented on the ux that evolved with the time.

    android is more tech oriented and ios is more human oriented as experience goes

  • @Exodite1B
    18 months ago

    I was using Android phones for a long time. Back then they were half the price of iPhones with comparable if not better specs. They were not as reliable as iPhones, but it didn’t matter since they were cheap. Then starting with Pixel they started raising the price to match iPhone. I reluctantly stuck with them for a few more years because they had better cameras and offered free cloud storage. Then they stopped offering free cloud storage, the reliability issues never went away and iPhones cameras got better. Why would I spend the same amount of money on a phone that’s not as reliable and doesn’t offer any advantages?

  • @ObilityB
    18 months ago

    Android user here. This is a bit of a lost cause for Android simply due to how it works. Apple has built it’s presence in the NA as a premium walled garden of a society. If you don’t have apple, you aren’t cool. Apple products are expensive and only really work well with other apple products. Android is open source and pretty much anyone can make an Android device. Because of this, a large share of Android phones are cheap budget phones that don’t give the brand a good image. It isn’t seen as premium. It’s alarming how many people still think the back of my phone will come off if I drop it or that Androids still take grainy pictures and videos.

    Another pain point is presentation. The largest Android presence in the NA is arguably Samsung and they have the largest reputation of selling budget laggy phones despite selling arguably the most robust feature-rich phones in the market with the premium S-Series. Not to mention One UI pales in comparison to IOS UI in terms of fluidity. An old iPhone will feel as fast as a new Samsung.

    Another pain point is presentation. The largest Android presence in the NA is arguably Samsung and they have the largest reputation for selling budget laggy phones despite selling arguably the most robust feature-rich phones in the market with the premium S-Series. Not to mention One UI pales in comparison to IOS UI in terms of fluidity. An old iPhone will feel as fast as a new Samsung.do as much but does what you need exceptionally well.

    Another option is a rebrand to refresh their presence but idk if the NA is that important for them to make a big change like that. Android has an admittedly “nerdy” aura around the brand.

    Edit: Forgot the most important part. IMessage. It is known that many teens would consider switching if IMessage was available on Android (can’t find the report but… trust me). If Google can success into forcing IMessage to be interoperable, we could see some big shifts and the competition we need to innovate.

  • @catsfoodieB
    18 months ago

    it literally never was… there was never a point where any young person wanted an android over an iphone in any timeline…

  • @djstanglB
    18 months ago

    It’s not cool with me either and I’m several decades removed from being a teenager.