I went to the game. It was a fantastic experience and seeing Wemby dominate in the 4th was incredible. Yes, we lost. We made some mistakes down the stretch and throughout the game. I thought everyone looked pretty good for the most part, too.

And I come here and it’s all “Keldon sold” or “Jeremy can’t be point guard” or this or that.

It’s the first fucking game. It’s not Wemby vs the Mavs. It’s the SPURS vs the Mavs. Seems anybody who makes a mistake is instantly crucified now that we have Wemby.

We don’t play iso ball. We never have. It’s going to take time to get used to A) just giving the ball to Victor and letting him cook, B) everyone realizing he is the best player and can take us to the promised land.

We have other young guys who are core pieces, and now hella people are talking about them like bums. It’s pissing me off.

Prob gonna be a lot less active in this sub compares to last year because I already cannot stand this bullshit noise. I had a fantastic time last night and all this bullshit is just pissing me off.

Also, give credit where it’s due!?!! They have Luka fucking Doncic. One of THE best players in the league who has the ability to just say “fuck yall, yall arent winning”.

Anyways. I’m out. Sad to see this. I appreciate those who didn’t overreact and tear our guys down.

  • balla_mangB
    11 months ago

    It’s bound to happen for 3 reasons. Winning for a long time made some fans have high expectations, we had a long period of time falling below those expectations, and wemby brought even more bandwagon fans. You the kind. The ones that don’t know the history and only support during the good times.

    People take a lot of things for granted. The Robinson, Duncan, and Wemby situations are very different. Robinson came out a man. 2 years after graduation. He was much more seasoned, rested, and ready to go. The 2 year gap allowed the Spurs to draft a bit of extra help to improve the team. In the year of the Duncan lottery, the team was decimated by injuries. I’m talking about completely destroyed. This allowed a good team to tank and get a 22 year old with little wear and tear, which catapulted the team to top competition.

    Wemby doesn’t have that much seasoning. He has the physical tools to potentially become a great player, but he’s not physically imposing. Moreover, he doesn’t have a lot of help. There are no Sean Elliots, no David Robinsons on the team. The team is a bunch of young guys learning and growing together, plus some outcasts who were slowed down by injuries. The support system between those lines is simply not there.

    Dumb people don’t care. They just want to have a good time and celebrate after years of underperforming. They saw two #1 overall picks have much success on their first year, so they expect Wemby to do the same. The media is also glazing him 24/7, so it must be true. Right?

    Wrong. It’s totally different. Don’t be dumb. Support the hell out of the team. Don’t harass them online, don’t put them in hypothetical trades. I promise you we’re not beating Jokic and the Denver machine to get to the NBA finals.

    Focus on what matters: developing players, building schemes, establishing rotations, and changing the culture.