I realize this is not necessarily the consensus, but it seems that as time has gone on since the release of Starfield, it is becoming more and more clear that the game is mediocre at best, and tediously boring at worst. So I’m wondering what it is that people see as the most egregious issues with the game, and what could bring it from mediocre to great? As the title says, I am wondering if Bethesda could do what Cyberpunk did, and bring the game from being a let down to being amazing. Thoughts?

  • Worth-Primary-9884B
    10 months ago

    Bethesda fucked themselves. They won’t even be able to pull their own arse out of the shit they’ve mired themselves in this time around. The investment they made on Starfield was way too committing for them to take this punch and walk away from it. That’s what happens when you believe you were infallible and modders would surely rip themselves a new one to mend the heap of shit you crapped out.

    Who cares? We already got a new generation of devs on the horizon (Larian) and smack dab in the middle of it all (CD Projekt). They will whack oldtimers like Toddie back to the geriatrics home they belong in.