Most of our stars can do the iso well or fairly well and that has been their bread and butter their whole careers, but honestly, this type of play should be looked at as more of a bail out when your plan went to shit and the shot clock is running out, not your go to, well at least for a championship team.

We have started to see a few plays here and there where they are trying some off the ball movement (fairly amateurish), so I have the slightest of hope, but this needs to become a priority.

They need to work tirelessly on screen setting fundamentals, pump fakes, passing and communication (ie eyes in the back of their heads for each other) and develop a few go to plays that each have options where by they force defensive rotations and open looks, where some driving has an open layup, lob, midrange, dish to an easy dunk etc.

Our guys are talented, and they should welcome the challenge of mastering this off the ball movement for the reward of easy looks instead of trying to score off of difficult, iso dribbling fadeaway shots with everyone else just uselessly standing still watching.