I used to play Overwatch 1 on PC with a group of friends when I was first getting into gaming, I mostly play on Xbox Series X now and I downloaded OW2 today because I honestly miss the first one. What I don’t miss is the chat berating me for a bad move, which yes, I make those quite frequently. I’m an extremely casual gamer and usually only play single players nowadays. Is it worth it to begin again, especially when playing with a controller now? I’m definitely not used to the controls on it but I feel like there’s really no chance for someone to get used to them before people just get plain mad. I’m not interested in competitive, so I’d just be playing quick play and arcade (if arcade is still a thing, it’s been awhile). I just miss the game and would love to get back into it.

Honestly, if there’s a choice to turn off the chat I’d do it. I already don’t use voice because I don’t play comp so there’s really no need.

  • Hysteria19OPB
    10 months ago

    I had characters I wasn’t too bad with but that was on PC. Xbox will definitely be a new experience re-learning everything on the controller so I probably won’t be good for a very long time, if that ever happens. I usually only have a few hours to game at the end of the night so it definitely won’t be a quick change.

    Thank you for your response! I’ll have a look at the settings when I get home, someone said I can shut it off thank goodness.