I appreciate the countless posts on here about Argentina. They have really helped me gain an understanding of the blue rate, etc. I’m hoping you lovely people can help me choose a neighborhood in/ near BsAs.

I plan to spend a month or two in Buenos Aires. I am a semi-professional salsa dancer and I’d like to improve my tango.

However, I am older (40F) and my mom (70F) may accompany me for a few weeks. We prefer staying in small(er) towns. Are there any neighborhoods or even suburban areas that may offer less of a big city vibe while still maintaining accessibility to the city via train?

Palermo seems like a decent choice, but I’m not particularly interested in coworking spaces, hip restaurants, or the nightlife scene. I don’t drink much and I typically make friends with other salsa dancers at the studios so the DN meetups arent important to me.

I do however need fantastic internet for my job. I speak Spanish and have extensive travel experience.

Thank you all for your time.