Does anyone else struggle and it directly impacts their business? I am really struggling right now. In the middle of busy season Im having an editing identity crisis and have been really hating my work lately. I just know there could be so much more impact!! I feel like it’s imposter syndrome but im not sure if that’s really it when I see all the areas to improve in.

I think I do well with posing and client interaction. I do a pretty good job of capturing emotion and I often receive praise about it. Part of being able to do that is moving quickly and often I focus on the emotion, poses, and prompts, and neglect technical issues - rules of thirds, horizon lines, impactful compositions.

Im 7 years into my career and have never received any negative feedback or reviews. I receive thank you cards, tips, and 5 star reviews…. But I honestly think that’s only because im such a people pleaser. Im constantly told to raise my rates, but how can I when I hate my own work? Im doing everything for my clients and it’s killing me! I always overdeliver and go so above and beyond when finding locations, edits, ect. I’m not making what I should. I don’t even feel like I can talk about this to my local photography community….I feel like I come across asking for praise and that is not my intention. I feel like everyone is succeeding and making a livable wage, and I’m hiding how empty my calendar bookings are, avg session income, and just overall lack of professionalism. I’m not a new photographer at all so this feeling stings.