My pick would have to be the A Whole Nother Story trilogy, in which (spoiler warning) you can only travel back in time. But because time is in a loop of sorts, if you go before the beginning of time, you will be at the end of time. From there you can go back to any time you want to. And time paradoxes cannot be produced. Plus, your memories from the previous timeline exist as well as the memories from the new one.

  • OMGItsCheezWTFB
    10 months ago

    That sounds a little bit like the Lazarus Project, a BBC TV Show.

    !A group of time travellers realised they could reset back to 1st of July at any point up to 1st July of the next year, because Earth passes through the trail of a quantum singularity at that point every year. They use this to try and save the planet when needed, only allowing the year to proceed if the conditions are as they want. An example used in the first episode is a new MRSA pandemic that keeps killing millions, they reset the year repeatedly until they have developed a vaccine so the pandemic only kills a few thousand.!<

    !Except there are other time travellers who are trying to cause their own agendas to succeed or fail before resetting, or trying to prevent resets etc so that their branch of the year can continue!<