I just picked it up and its massive, bigger than any books Ive ever read and I’m a little intimidated by it to be honest lol. I heard it was really dense and I was thinking is there a technique to this? Someone told me that these kinds of books arent really meant to be read head on, that you kind of have to take them in sections ? Not sure let me know what you think

  • CanadianBro94B
    10 months ago

    Don’t be intimidated by it based on size! Commit to reading maybe just 100 pages and if you’re not enjoying it there’s nothing wrong with putting it down and choosing something else!

    If you enjoy a book, really enjoy it, the length won’t matter as much. I had a really hard time committing to short mediocre books, but find that I’m perfectly fine with a long book as long as I’m enjoying it. Basically my advice is to try and change how you approach it! I just finished “A Little Life” and at first it seemed like a really long book, but I was surprised how much I was enjoying it and it just flew by!