Am I the only one who gets exited about a new book, get halfway through it, then pick up a new book before finishing the last?

I enjoy many different books mostly self-help books. However once I read a great chapter like (information that I am ready to put into practice) thats when I put the book aside. Time goes by before I pick it up and now I am all excited about a new book and need to start reading it immediately!

This then leads to me having at least 4-5 books half read and ten more just waiting to be opened.

it was so much easier to read in school, I want too keep that same energy and complete the rest of my books I set out to finish before the end of the year .

How can I do this because I really can’t stop buying books but I want to finish them all. what are good strategies?

  • Suzann7777B
    10 months ago

    I think you’re doing fine - no need to change anything! What is more cozy than piles of books on the bed. Piles of more books in the livingroom. Going from one book to another is a fabulous way to read. Read what you want, at the moment you want it. Put it down and pick up something else if you get bored.