Anyone else get dizzy and/or have bad dreams when they put on their Apple watch?

  1. A few years ago I picked up an Apple watch. A day later I became dizzy. I figured I must have grabbed the watch at the perfect time and started to observe whatever vitals I could gather from the watch. The dizziness lasted a few days and eventually subsided. Weird but OK.

  2. March 2020. Just before the lockdowns I see what’s happening and think “Now is a good time to focus on my health again.” I throw on the watch. I fly to my hometown to see my parents that day and I’m dizzy when I land. I had some unsettling dreams but figured it was because of COVID. I was worried I had the virus and quarantined for a week. The dizziness went away during that week. I stopped using the watch a few months later.

  3. Early in March this year I picked up the watch again. The night I wore it, I had strange dreams - not nightmares, but unsettling dreams. I woke up dizzy. I told a friend how I noticed I kept getting dizzy whenever I put on the watch. I googled whatever I could find and couldn’t find anything online. I felt crazy. The dizziness went away after a few days and I ended up wearing the watch every day since, until 2 weeks ago when I went to NY for work.

  4. Last night I wanted to start wearing the watch again. Threw it on. Wore it. All was well the first few hours. I went to bed and had a terrible dream about my dad. I woke up dizzy again. I completely forgot about all the other periods where I was dizzy and had bad dreams when I wore it. I happened to talk with the friend I spoke to last time and told her how I felt dizzy. “That’s weird. You told me you were dizzy a few months ago. Didn’t you say it has something to do with your Apple watch?” I didn’t think of the correlation until just then!

I’m totally baffled. I can already hear people saying “You’re probably just sensitive” or “It’s probably a subconscious thing” or “It’s probably your diet or medication.”
• I would describe my body as “hardy” and definitely not sensitive. I use it.
• I probably overuse tech so I doubt it’s some subconscious thing.
• I’m not psycho-sematic - I never take medicine or even Tylenol.
• My diet is trash, but consistent so I know it’s not something I ate.

I am sure I’m not alone.

In the meantime: has anyone else had this problem?