This list ONLY calculates each champion’s average damage per minute per game and NOTHING else. It doesn’t factor in utility, CC, etc. so it is NOT by any means a representation of how good a champion is. It’s literally JUST damage. I just found the information to be interesting, so I thought I’d share.
This information was gathered from leagueofgraphs.com, and only games that are Platinum +. It calculates the damage each champion does per minute, and the scores are an average of all ranked games played. This is just data, this is not subjective.
S-Tier (Superior): Exceptional damage output, significantly above average.
- Brand: 744
- Xerath: 732
- Vel’Koz: 723
- Heimerdinger: 706
- Zyra: 668
A-Tier (Above Average): High damage output, above average.
- Swain: 635
- Lux: 604
- Senna: 598
- Neeko: 592
B-Tier (Balanced): Moderate damage output, around the average.
- Ashe: 507
- Morgana: 500
- Seraphine: 448
- Karma: 430
- Maokai: 421
C-Tier (Below Average): Below average damage output.
- Sona: 377
- Bard: 374
- Pyke: 369
- Nami: 349
- Zilean: 354
- Renata Glasc: 329
- Blitzcrank: 318
- Yuumi: 310
- Thresh: 298
- Nautilus: 294
- Leona: 303
D-Tier (Deficient): Low damage output, significantly below average.
- Braum: 274
- Alistar: 270
- Lulu: 244
- Rell: 242
- Rakan: 237
- Janna: 237
- Taric: 230
- Soraka: 199
- Milio: 188
Nothing too surprising; mage supports are at the top, hybrids in the middle and enchanters and tanks are at the bottom. I was slightly surprised that Sona is as high up as she is, especially since most players max her W first now. Anything stick out for you?
Earlier this season before Rell was ruined, I had a game where my Tristana ADC (Who was in my comms BTW) got over-the-top fed, & even I, Rell, outdamaged 3/5ths of the enemy team. I was in such a good position that I bought Jak’Sho instead of Evenshroud or Locket. Shit like that is why I desperately want old Rell back
I was slightly surprised that Sona is as high up as she is, especially since most players max her W first now
me and my fellow ap sona boys raising sonas average damage dealt by terrorizing soloq with lich bane sona