I play and record both guitar and bass, I have recently gone away with a guitar / bass amp and have purchased a multi effects pedal to cover everything.

I am now wanting to get a set of studio monitors to play through instead of going through headphones. I have what would be considered a small space so I am only looking at 5" monitors (usual suspects: HS5, KRK, JBL etc). Not overly keen on an FRFR speaker given size.

I understand that studio monitors are by design flat to give the best possible mixing / mastering platform. Given that I am going to be using these 80% of the time for playing guitar / bass through would it work if I ran a small mixing analogue desk between my multi effects pedal and the speakers to colour the tone to my liking? Especially when playing bass for more low end. Understand that I can only get so much from a 5" speaker and I may need to look at a sub as well.

I’m also interested in this solution as there is a lot of feedback that studio monitors are “fatiguing” to listen to long term when using the monitors for general music listening so if I can tune the tone where needed with the mixing desk and remove entirely for recording and mixing purposes.

Would this solution be realistic? Any other ideas for my situation?