I’m going to upgrade my son’s PC. He’s got my old Ryzen 3600x after i upgraded to 5900x. was gonna go with Intel for him this time. Microcenter has cpu/mobo/ram combos for the 13700k and 14700k. its $50 difference to go with the 14700k bundle. should i go with the 14 or 13? mainly for gaming for him. got him setup with 1440p 144hz monitor on his desk and also hooked up to 42” 4k 144hz monitor.

not concerned with the $50 price, but more concerned with some youtubers saying the 14 series draws crazy power or isnt that much of an improvement over 13 series.

  • xgiovioB
    10 months ago

    14700k has 8 core + 8ht + 12 e corr. It’s a beast. And for 400 euro vat included. Performance is 5% less of an amd 7950x ornin par. And you can oc it. Take a good z690mb with 2 ddr5 6000mhz and you are ready also to upgrade in the future to the 14900 even if the difference will be minimal. Bye