• murrayhensonB
    11 months ago

    There are a lot of “EV growth is slowing” articles right now because a bunch of quarterly reports/calls have recently happened and a bunch of manufacturers are setting or resetting analyst and shareholder expectations… because demand is not quite what they expected it to be… because (and this is the big because) EVs are priced too high and/or interest rates are too high and/or dealer markup and/or legacy automakers are lazy and can’t make great EVs and/or potential buyers have range anxiety and/or potential buyers are waiting for NACS to be implemented and/or (insert some other real or imagined reason here). WHATEVER the reason, however, many manufacturers are saying that they believe growth is going to slow. They may be wrong, but it’s what they are saying.

    I fully expect to be downvoted because I am not adamantly “everything is/will be great” in this comment. And if the not-everything-is-rosy articles just collect downvotes, even if they are valid and legitimate news… Then we can expect that submitters will skip the “bad news” articles and just post the stuff that reinforces what folks want to hear. Which would be a shame, because I think that as a group that are passionate about EVs and the inevitable transition from ICE to EVs, we should be aware of both the good and the bad. We can advocate and push for the change to happen but minor setbacks shouldn’t be met with, well, “fuck you/them/it”.