I have seen people upset in the past about the fact 1 tank can instantly swap out to counter another tank after the tank lost a team fight. Sometime you may even get games where tanks are just constantly swapping out to counter eachother. I had a few ideas which I wondered if they could maybe prevent that from happening.

Idea 1: "Renuable hero swaps: I have seen people suggest a cap on how many times a person can swap in a single game in the past. I personally didn’t think the idea by itself would be for the best as a person could use all their swaps at the start of a game and then be contested for the rest of the game. However this idea is a bit different then just having X number of hero swaps. The idea is basically this - place a limit on the number of times you can swap. When you start a match everyone automatically has e.g. 2 hero swaps available to them. If you change your character it doesn’t use a swap until you leave spawn. (That way it will stop people from accidentally wasting a hero charge).

However this is where the second part of Renuable hero swap comes in. Depending on if you are attack or defense you can get more charges though out the game in a different way. Defenders get max hero swaps every time the attackers reach a checkpoint. However Attackers get max hero swaps when a checkpoints “bonus time” runs out. So if attackers use up all hero swaps and that helps them power through a checkpoint and they get 2 minutes added to the clock, they will not be able to swap again until the 2 minutes runs out.

Perhaps a third rule could be when the clock reaches e.g. 30 seconds, all players get +1 swap regardless of team. This is because a team may get killed and because they have no swaps left they can’t change character meaning if they have a slow character they have no chance of contesting the point, so giving a free swap to change to a fast character will already give everyone a chance to contest. (Perhaps also add a swap cap of 2 so you can’t have e.g. 10 swaps by the end of the game. Use it or lose it.)

The way I see a match playing out with this system will be this: Defenders will be forced to maybe stay as a single character for longer at the start of a match so that they don’t run out of swaps too quickly, but if they find they are getting countered they may change. Doing so however may incline an attacker to swap to counter the new defending hero. If this happens too many times the defending hero may run out of swaps leaving them at a disadvantage and possiblely lose the first checkpoint, however now as the attackers reach a cheak point the defenders can swap again, but the attackers may have run out of hero swaps so now they are at a disadvantage for the time being. If defenders run down the clock long enough the attackers will be able to swap if necessary. I feel this system will prevent people from swapping as often and would require people to commit to a single character for longer.

Idea 2 - Ult lock Basically the idea is when you change your character and leave the spawn, you can not change the character again until you have gotten enough charge to use the current heros ultimate or perhaps a more leaner 60%.This idea will force a person to play 1 hero for longer, but when they hit 70% charge the need to make a decision to stay and get the Ult as that’s a lot of charge to waste, or swap out characters.