I mostly use ethernet cabling rather than wifi. I have a couple of switches feeding four sometimes five computers. I get gigabit speed through the wires and about half that through the wifi. That’s good enough.

But I have a need for some port forwarding.

Now my dear dear ISP (darling little cutie pie!) has buried port forwarding in a cave in a dinky little phone app – under wifi details if you can believe that. I can’t quite.

But anyway when you get there it’s useless. It says “Woops…” some cute little useless apology and suggests I try again later.

So I got this router, hooked it up, did everything they said and the ethernet speed is 4-500. I configure my devices to static IPs but this router didn’t quite know what to do with them. It assigned the same IP to two devices, one on 5G one on ether but the same IP address…

So I’m wondering: did I do something wrong. Were the switches confusing?

Do I need to spend more money or …