I call bullshit on the given reason

  • @bv915B
    18 months ago

    The answer is always somewhere behind the $$$.

  • @Dense-Bee-2884B
    18 months ago

    Realistically do you really need a new pair of headphones and power adapters in every box? Once I got my airpods, I’ve never turned back to the old headphones and never would. For the power cord, I got the USB-C cord with the 15 and have plenty of power bricks laying around from prior purchases. Apple saves money by not providing these things, but at some point it would be excessive and useless for me anyway.

    • @mailslotB
      18 months ago

      Yep. I have about a dozen old Apple wall chargers and those awful wired headphones.

      Also, if you’re looking for a gift for someone you hate, a brand new pair of those headphones will do it. They’ll know you spent good money to intentionally get them a truly awful experience.

    • @Firm_Lecture6483B
      18 months ago

      I think the annoying part was when they changed the cord to usb c to lightning, while also trying to say well everyone already has the boxes! Everyone had usb a boxes, so plenty of people still had to buy usb c boxes

    • @UndeadWaffle12B
      18 months ago

      Power adapters, yeah. I still don’t have many usb c power bricks so I would like to get some more with my devices

    • @Remy149B
      18 months ago

      I haven’t used wired headphones with my phone since the iPhone 3GS. So many of the accessories stay in the box

      • @Dense-Bee-2884B
        18 months ago

        Yea, my first iphone was the X and even that I didn’t use what was in the box. I had to buy that stuff offhand, but the next phone (13 Pro) I already had the lightning cord and airpods.

  • @farrendersB
    18 months ago

    As with many things, its to cut costs And the environment is their justification for their cutting of costs

  • @CucumberErrorB
    18 months ago

    They can sell you another charger for money. The box is smaller, meaning more phones per pallet, which saves money on shipping and storage. More standardisation, less need for a different country release because of a different power plug.

  • @JoshiKouseiB
    18 months ago

    To save (them) money. You probably didn’t need them anyway. But also, to save money.

  • @RetroactiveRecursionB
    18 months ago

    Cold card cash. You, the ones who pay them and use their products, are not the customer. You are a commodity to be leveraged for their actual customers: the shareholders. They’re not competing with Samsung or Microsoft for your direct dollars, there competing with them (and everyone from Pepsi to Amazon to Home Depot) for shareholder investment, which is driven not just by making money this year just like they did last, but my making MORE money than they did last year, otherwise the investors will move their money somewhere that DOES make them more.

    This is the cog dis I have with capitalism. I love having savings and a place where I can keep it that makes me more than a few percentage points of interest, on the other hand, it diffuses and distracts companies from making the best product they can and making you as happy as possible. What should be the end goal is simply a means to the actual end goal, and if they can achieve the same or better actual end goal (it being ROI), by shaving cost or cutting out some quality or additional benefits, after doing thorough analysis to see how many customers they’ll lose and if it’s worth it because in the end they’ll get more investment, they’ll do it.

    I cringe when a product I like goes public, because it invariably means I will soon no longer be happy with it.

  • @Jamie00003B
    18 months ago

    Environment. Also money. I dunno why people are still complaining when, much like the headphone jack, the competition are now doing the same

  • @bran_the_man93B
    18 months ago

    Because shipping new bricks and headphones that most people already have 4 or 5 of is stupid and wasteful. The smaller box allows them to ship more product per container, reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

    Just like they said.

    Sure, they also save money by not including the accessories.

    Big fking deal.

  • @ShrimpRampageB
    18 months ago

    Environmental reason is complete bullshit. You’re telling me that the environmental impact of packaging and shipping an iPhone and headphones/charger separately is smaller than the shipping together? Come on.

    • @mredofcourseB
      18 months ago

      Certainly Apple is saving money from not including the accessories. They’re also making money from selling accessories for those who need them. However, there’s still a positive environmental impact because not everyone is buying accessories and are either using ones they already have or using alternatives.

      Further, Apple can ship time-insensitive accessories via cargo ship which is far more efficient than the way they ship time-sensitive iPhones via air.

      Personally, I always hated getting the accessories because I not only already had them, but preferred to use alternatives. It was just wasteful for people like me. For anyone else, they just have to look at it as the iPhone costing what it does plus the cost of the accessories they need to buy and make their decision accordingly as to whether they want to do that or buy an Android or whatever.

      I just don’t understand the “don’t let people buy a la carte, force everyone to buy a bundle of stuff they may not need” mentality.

  • @KingLuisB
    18 months ago

    main reason is cost for shipping and saving money. reasoning behind it is because everyone has a set of headphones and everyone has a power adapter already, why ship out more? you can ship almost double the phones resulting in about half the money spent on shipping. not to mention not having to make more adapters and headphones.