New player to league about 2 months ago, I always get the least damage and coins no matter what role I play.
I started with caitlyn then malphite, and then tried some cho’gath, now I am playing Ashe but getting rekt and need to be carried. Feels like I’m not progressing in skill and my opponents are always high skilled.
I play the draft pick/normal thing.
Any tips for a noob? Did I get into the game too late, it seems a lot to learn. I didn’t know how to resell items to the shop to make more space and stuff for quite a while lol.
A lot of people are nice in game but some are toxic and I’m trying my best.
You can’t expect to learn just by playing. First off you have to look up Guides and actually practice actively, then you gotta take it slooow. It took me half a Year to actually learn the Basics of the Game and get my CS above 3/Minute on Sion back in 2017. In season 7 I was Silver 5, In season 8 I was Gold 2.
Pick a super simple Champion and a super simple Position and just practice that. If you wanna play Mid then pick Annie and focus on the Basics: farming, looking at the Minimap, Decision Making, Trades. Copy your Runes and Items from the Internet.
It takes a lot to learn in every moba if you just started league is no exception. While it’s easier than dota there’s still tons of concepts to learn that separate a good player from a bad one. Don’t expect yourself to understand everything so quick just have fun while you learn what everyone else does. You’re going to lose a lot while getting better so always remember to have fun and to stop when you aren’t.
Okay thanks :)
Thanks everyone for the helpful responses feeling a lot better about my progress now.