Ayton has shot 5 free throws TOTAL in 11 games this year. He is averaging 0.45 free throws a game. That isn’t a typo.

Not 4.5 free throws a game.

0.45 free throws a game.

He literally is getting fouled in the act of shooting less than ONCE every FOUR GAMES games.

Nurk is averaging 4 free throws a game in less minutes. That is almost 10x more free throws than Ayton.

This can really hurt a team because the opposing big man will never be in foul trouble with Ayton. Nurk forces the issue way more and gets rewarded with fouls. That puts teams in the bonus and allows KD and Book to cook at the free throw line.

KD averaged 6 free throws a game last year. He is up to 9.4 this year. One reason is Nurk is generating fouls. Plus Eubanks is generating another 2 foul shots per game.

Just another reason why Nurk is a better fit.