I think we all know that Renata was written off as yet another “cool but unpopular” champion, like Lillia kinda. She brought a lot of new stuff to the support roster, she feels fair to play against, and she’s fairly balanced… but she was unpopular.

Recently, Renata’s pickrate has been surging. This is almost certainly due in part to her prevalence in worlds, but I also think part of it is that people are now taking the time to learn her kit. I know that, personally, when Renata Glasc released I had no interest in playing her. I thought she felt clunky and I didn’t like her much at all… recently, I love her. She’s been my go-to pick against all-in team comps, or heavy AD teams. She feels great to play once you’ve learned her.

I also think that she adds a lot of variety to pro play without being overwhelming. Her winrate on ladder is fairly reasonable (51% is about average for enchanters if not slightly lower) and it’s not crazy in pro either, being 53% for the summer split. She seems VERY dominant in worlds being the fourth highest prio support with an 80% winrate, though I think this is partially due to the current meta and not necessarily with her power as a champion.

I don’t know, I think it’s really cool to see her make a comeback from being a kinda forgotten support. She’s awesome.