Just wondering. A few hundred monthly is more than enough. A few years ago I basically sold free moderators on Discord to servers for like $5 haha, and then I went to a company that was essentially tech startup and er…wasn’t completely honest about my age in order to get hired as Chief Marketer…they agreed but didn’t go so well and the contract fell apart when they asked about my age but I still got a decent amount in the end.
That was a bad one.

Anyway, what can I actually do? I’ve been messaging people here asking if they need any marketing for their startup/blog/whatever but no results so far. I got 7 developers together and they made this blog website that is still being finalized about space, but space.com and spaceflight.com have a pretty good grip on space-based news so unless I really diversify and livestream launches or something on YouTube that might be pretty bleak unless I can get lucky.

In February I created this online persona of ChatGPT that spewed out illegal information and I got interviews and articles with the Washington Post, Business Insider, the Guardian, CNBC, ABC News, etc. Even Elon Musk tweeted about it. The attention was awesome but I couldn’t funnel it properly. I rode the wave of popularity by funneling a few thousand from the initial post to a Discord server, where my developer team began work on a jailbreak bot on Discord where users would be charged to unlock a version of ChatGPT that can tell you anything.

The project broke apart when, at the last moments, we made a devastating revelation about a technical issue regarding the bot itself and how many messages it can send free of charge that killed it.

Or maybe an online approach isn’t the best? My friend told me he mows the lawn and cleans the cars of 6 neighbors for $100 each every month which is actually really smart but I’m in the middle of a fat city where nobody in a 1 mile radius really has a lawn.

I have at most a few thousand in startup capital from my stunt with the startup and some other sources but I don’t really want to take a risk. I’m good at marketing, writing, etc.

Seems like trying to get up close and personal with a new startup or company and doing something like marketing or writing or social media management for them is the only way.

Currently in Australia, might be moving back to Iraq in a few months depending on circumstances. Any suggestions welcome!

Thank you.

  • mrjimmydoeB
    10 months ago

    Try seeing if any startups that have worked well in Australia can be copied and applied to Iraq when you move. Could be in tech, transport, food and drink.

  • appleseedjoeB
    10 months ago

    id stay with those crazy online ideas seems like you’ll hit gold soon enough my man.