In your opinion, which of mage reaches the highest AP dps in the game? I listed the ones I think can contest (don’t know if Rumble counts as a mage, since he seems like an AP bruiser like Mordekaiser). I think Anivia and Swain could technically be in the poll, but Swain’s ult seems to compensate the large AOE radius of his ult for damage, whereas Anivia’s play pattern is more like half-way between sustained damage and burst damage, as realistically, not many champs eat her snowstorm. Fiddlesticks and Malzahar seem to also be another sustained damage dealer, but if Fiddlesticks doesn’t have his ult, I doubt he will be out-dpsing anyone in the list, while Malzahar seems to be very single-target oriented.
Considering asol has infinite scaling this isn’t really a question right?