So I haven’t REALLY been into sneakers in the past, mostly because I don’t have the disposable income, but I’ve been lurking around here a while. Finally pulled the trigger and got some Eastside Golf Jordan 1 Low’s which I LOVE. Problem is, I can’t put them on and wear them! I’m so afraid of damaging them, getting them dirty, etc, and I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to get another pair being discontinued and all… I know it’s silly to like a shoe too much to wear it, after all a shoe that’s not being worn is pretty useless. But just curious if you all go through this. Thanks!

  • XxThoughtSeizexXB
    11 months ago

    I feel that but after you wear them a couple times you don’t really care, you still take care of them but it’s not a big deal. I actually have those eastside golf 1 lows and have turned them into my work beater pretty much everyday use at work for almost a year and they are still holding up fine, beat up sure but still look good and no separation/etc. however the first week or so breaking them in was painful they have some like hard plastic material or something behind the back heel tab, after that no complaints. Long story short just wear your kicks haha