Hi there fellow sysadmins, network administrators and (white) hackers !
I can’t seem to find an answer anywhere.
I’m looking for a router that supports these 2 features at the same time :

- a USB storage device attached (HDD/SSD).

- dual WAN using a USB 3G/4G dongle attached for failover purposes - if the main connection goes down it should automatically switch to the backup 4G connection, and back when the main connection is up again. It’s important to me that the switch between connections is done without any intervention from the user and that when the main connection gets back online the 4G connection is cut off again (due to speed / traffic limits/ costs) . I don’t care about link aggregation or any other feature.

Is this possible using a router with only one USB port and then adding some (powered) USB hub in which I can plugin the two devices ? I saw videos where people connect multiple drives using a HUB and they do show in the routers software. But not with dongles.

Speed is not that important, I don’t need wired 2.5 or WIFI6E. Could be an older model. I care more that the router is stable and “fire-and-forget”. This would be deployed in a remote location.

I have looked online at both the ASUS RT-AX86U and the ASUS RT-AX89X which have dual USB ports but I’m not sure either supports both my requirements at the same time. Also they are very very expensive where I live and they have functionalities that are overkill for my requirements.

If you have any suggestion for a router that does support those two features at the same time (dual WAN for failover to 4G and USB attached storage) please let me know.
Thank you !

  • kkapelonB
    10 months ago

    If you have any suggestion for a router that does support those two features at the same time (dual WAN for failover to 4G and USB attached storage) please let me know.

    You can get a proper 5g/4g modem that has a normal ethernet port and not just USB tethering. Then you connect it as WAN to any router that also has a USB port for the HDD

    I have the exact setup you mention (dual WAN + SSD) using ZTE 5001 + Glinet Beryl AX.