So I have been gamer for more then a decade now I started with Mario and tertius with consoles that I had available. Later I migrated to pc and played games like gta vice city, san andres, far cry 3. I became avid gamer and played most of Ubisoft and other AAA titles.

I noticed following as years pass by :

Far cry series I started with FC 3. It was fun and simple to play. Like capture outposts, complete missions, earn xp unlock skills, get money to upgrade and buy new power full weapons. Basically in game money was trade for advanced weapons. Same till Far cry 5.

In recent years it has become too overwhelming to play AAA game. Like you have 100 of options in character customization before you even start the game. Next is 100 of options in skill tree. Weapons is no longer purchase for in game money it has been replaced for crafting tables and for that you need to search for scraps and spear parts through the world. Their is this constant fear of missing out on scraps or stuff and not being able to upgrade the weapons and get new ones. I tried playing far cry 6 and it was too overwhelming then fun. Just too many options and things to do just to play the game. Like guns heat up mid combat and need an upgrade and for that search for parts don’t know where. I had to quit playing far cry 6 it just ruined the fun and made is excessively challenging just to play with ample skills and weapons I have and keep on going.

Similar overwhelming is happening while playing other AAA games like I tried Starfield just few days ago and it has same level of sophistication. I had to go their character setup and all that for an hour before I can play the game and next I had to learn tons of controls to fly spaceship. Its just becoming too much like work and fun part is getting lost in all the realism and complexity.

I am migrating to indie games which are just like far cry 3 simple and fun to play rather then heavy and ultra realistic graphics. Indie games today and what AAA games used to be a decade ago when I first started gaming.

Am I wrong to quit AAA games and play indie games. I don’t how to play AAA games anymore I am confused. I used to play games for fun and AAA games are not fun anymore. Should I be concerned of becoming old and outdated and not able to keep up with gaming ?

I don’t want to quit gaming all together. Any advice how to keep gamer in me alive would be appreciated. Anyone experiencing similar stuff can share how to deal with it.

  • UCw4OG01OPB
    10 months ago

    You missed out on main point of this post. Its not fun anymore to play AAA games it has all became about maybe how many hours you play the game.

    For example take starfield I played that game it took an hour just to get started creating character and all that. At one mission I got stuck their is oxygen bar mechanics. My character cant even walk like 10 m in game before I have to hide and stop for refill like wtf is that also it was all mid combat. Its more of hassle then fun. Least I expect in game that character will be able to walk freely in game world.