You missed out on main point of this post. Its not fun anymore to play AAA games it has all became about maybe how many hours you play the game.
For example take starfield I played that game it took an hour just to get started creating character and all that. At one mission I got stuck their is oxygen bar mechanics. My character cant even walk like 10 m in game before I have to hide and stop for refill like wtf is that also it was all mid combat. Its more of hassle then fun. Least I expect in game that character will be able to walk freely in game world.
That is completely true CEO of Bethesda once said he wants to charge gamers for reloading guns and that is actually where industry is headed. Starfield made by Bethesda has an oxygen and co2 bar mechanism your character cant even walk for 10m in game world like wtf is going on. I bet they want me to purchase something so my character can freely navigate the world. Its all about money and hours lately rather then enjoying the game and story.
Also AAA games had a good and inspiring stories something to look upto. Now its all about being a disposable cog in gigantic corporate machine. Their are no stores and aspiration. Watch dogs legion is great example of such game.
Also I recently played saints row it was so annoying your character is nothing inspiring and story is not something to look up to. Its about future dystopia where you beg and survive for scraps. Much worst compared to early AAA games where you conquer the entire game world and are actually hero.