Before I start I recognize that some games have it’s fans and some don’t. I also realize that it’s okay for you to like a game that I dislike as well as it’s okay for you to dislike a game that I enjoy. So this isn’t just a “this game is trash” post. Having said that I saw Dungeons 4 on Game pass on the Xbox. It looked like something I’d enjoy and it had a high user rating, since it didn’t cost anything I downloaded it and played it, and I just did not like it. I should point out I never played nor heard of Dungeons 1-3 so this was my first experience with the series. I also thought the game was going to be a defense tower style game where you build a maze of traps to kill waves of enemies. Instead it was a dungeon crawler looking game sort of like Diablo, but instead of controlling the character with the thumbstick, you instead control a cursor with the thumbstick and click on the area you want your character to walk to, then the character auto fights without pressing any buttons. My literal first thought when I started playing this was it was a port of a cellphone game, but no it’s a full fledge console/PC game with a $50 price tag. I then Googled the game and found not only does it have a high audience score, it has a high critical score too with an average score of 8 to 9 out of 10. What am I missing here? I feel like there’s something I’m not getting that is bringing enjoyment to many people, and quite frankly I wish I could enjoy it as well. It honestly seems like it’s something I should enjoy just based on the images and game description, but when it comes to gameplay I don’t understand how moving a cursor around while my character auto fights is any fun. Can someone help me understand the appeal to this game?