Hello so I’ve recently been looking for a watch that can do the best of both worlds as either a sporty look with a bracelet or a dressy one with a leather strap. Currently I’m looking at the citizen NB1060-04A https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/~KkAAOSwItxkEp2Q/s-l1600.jpg. Thing is, it doesn’t come with a bracelet. The NB1050 bracelet fits the bill but I’ve only heard middling to bad things about it. If my mind doesn’t get rid of the itch I’m considering just getting a sleek nato to pair it on more casual days.

Given this, I’d like to know if you guys could recommend a white dial watch that leans heavier towards the dress watch side, but can still be a daily wear. My only caveats are that it shouldn’t have a rotating bezel, ideally be under 40mm, the dial needs to be white or silver, and with a max price of ~1000$.

P.S. if you guys can break my stigma of “it needs a bracelet/always buy the bracelet” with your own perspectives that’d be appreciated too.

Thanks in advance.