Hey Linux Gaming community!

I’m dealing with an issue on my EndeavourOS system where Dota 2 crashes immediately upon launch. Here are my system details:

  • OS: EndeavourOS x86_64
  • Kernel: 6.6.1-zen1-1-zen
  • Uptime: 26 mins
  • Packages: 1271 (pacman), 21 (flatpak)
  • Shell: fish 3.6.1
  • Display: 1920x1080 @ 75Hz (GSM5AB8)
  • DE: KDE Plasma 5.27.9
  • WM: KWin (X11)
  • WM Theme: Lightly
  • Theme: Breeze (Jade) [QT], Breeze [GTK2/3]
  • Icons: Tela-circle-dark [QT], Tela-circle-dark [GTK2/3/4]
  • Font: Noto Sans (10pt) [QT], Noto Sans (10pt) [GTK2/3/4]
  • Cursor: Sweet (24px)
  • Terminal: kitty 0.31.0
  • Terminal Font: NotoSansMono-Regular (11pt)
  • CPU: Intel® Core™ i5-8600K (6) @ 4.30 GHz
  • GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650 SUPER
  • Memory: 10.13 GiB / 23.41 GiB (43%)
  • Swap: 256.00 KiB / 25.74 GiB (0%)
  • Disk (/): 53.78 GiB / 440.01 GiB (12%) - btrfs
  • Disk (/home/axat/HDD2): 5.78 MiB / 931.51 GiB (0%) - btrfs
  • Disk (/home/axat/SSD): 34.54 GiB / 465.76 GiB (7%) - btrfs
  • Local IP (enp0s31f6):
  • Locale: en_IN

My PC specs:

  • CPU: Intel® Core™ i5-8600K (6) @ 4.30 GHz
  • GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650 SUPER
  • Memory: 10.13 GiB / 23.41 GiB
  • Kernel: 6.6.1-zen1-1-zen

I’ve tried running Dota 2 with both Steam Runtime and Steam Native Runtime, as well as Flatpak Steam, but the issue persists. Any advice or suggestions would be greatly appreciated! If you need any additional information, feel free to ask.

Thanks in advance for your help! Let’s keep Linux gaming strong! 🐧🎮

  • p9hEqFwKFHDoWNUB
    10 months ago

    There was an issue after update the other day and others had already posted. Use search function in future. I was able to launch this morning.