Since overwatch does not review comms abuse reports, we’re seeing players overuse that report button. Especially now that there are no limits to how many reports a player can spam.
My suggestion would be to remove the comms report button and let the game ban people automatically whenever they use a racial slur in Team Chat/All Chat.
Let’s be real here, anything other than a racial slur should be considered harmless banter. And if you don’t like the banter, you can just mute the person who is being distracting.
It’s easy to get frustrated with a video game. Everybody is in fight mode. Tempers flare, egos get bruised. Do we really need to weaponize people’s emotions by giving them unlimited reports to slap their enemies and team mates with?
I don’t know about you guys but to me, the current system seems a bit unethical. Valve is encouraging spite rather than sportsmanship.