Listening right now to Stef getting clowned by the press. He’s being incredibly professional, above board and appropriate. I have no worries with the man and the player. The issue is the press turning him into the villain. Glad to see he’s calling out the press in return.

  • russianturnipofdoomB
    10 months ago

    You can really tell Diggs embodies that mentality althetes need to have these days.

    If they look at social media, the comments they get, listening to the peanut gallery, it’s a bell they can’t unring. Diggs is such a professional that he’s extended that to literally everyone, even his own family. He said it in the interview, “if you’re asking me about someone else feels, i can’t answer that”

    Also, fuck that reporter who is over here questioning Diggs investment into the team. Diggs took him behind the woodshed.