Currently writing at 5:30 AM in the morning lol. DN here with an 8-4 online which translates to 11-7 thanks to daylight savings making it worse (or actually, it doesn’t even matter tbh). Tried to force myself to sleep right after but couldn’t stay asleep for more than 4.5 hours or so and it absolutely wrecked me. BUT then I tried an alternative method where I would just let myself wake up at like 11AM but then sleep for 2.5 hours right before I start so at 8:30PM I sleep right until I start and it works beautifully. I still get 6.5-7hrs of sleep and I rarely get tired when I have to work. Also a huge advantage is being able to do whatever I want from 11AM-8:30PM. It is AMAZING. I’ve got the whole day for myself and I’d rather work at night anyways. Tbh I prefer this much more than my actual time zone haha. By the time I finish work, it’s already dark and my day feels like it’s over but here, I can roam around during the day and have a good lunch/dinner without worrying.

I also heard people back then used to split their sleeping time anyways so that’s why it doesn’t feel super off or anything. Of course, YMMV but I’ve been doing this for three months and feel completely fine. Once daylight savings is over, just do the same time but maybe sleep more in the morning and only sleep 1.5 hours at night before starting (I did this too!). I thought I wouldn’t be able to fall asleep during my sleep times but hey, somehow I did almost every single day.

Another big bonus is that on Saturday after my work, I can sleep around 4-5 hours and live completely normally through Monday night. Though I do get tired at around 2-3 AM and wake up late but hey, I would’ve done the same thing anyways back at home. So if you wanted to try moving to the other side of the world but was worried because of the schedule, maybe you can try this! I can give you hope. It worked beautifully for me!

Edit: LOL meant to say world not country in the title oops