I’m a 29M. 2.5 years ago I quit my job to go full time in my online coaching business. I’ve had some ups and downs, but this entire year has been down.

The most I’ve ever made in a month was just over 6k

But lately it’s been hard for me to get over 2k per month

I barely have enough money to do the basic things and would like to hire some help but literally can’t afford it right now

Should I close the business down? Or get a job and do the business on the side?

Haven’t had a “job” in 2.5 years so I don’t imagine it will be easy to get, but I’m broke and open to anything

Any ideas?

  • SelectionCurrent5942B
    10 months ago

    What’s the coaching business about?

    What’s your current marketing strategies?

    What’s working and whats not working for you?

    What’s working well for your competitors?

    There’s a lot of question to ask before i can give some advice

    Growth Archive has a lot of b2b growth examples that you could test out.

    If you want a peace of mind, then get a job and carry on growing this coaching business on the side.