Looking to setup a new home network with PfSense on a Protectli Vault. I will be having many devices hooked up via ethernet, including security cameras, access points, smart devices, and thus will need a switch. Probably around 25+ ethernet devices in total. How would this work with PfSense and the Protectli Vault? Is it advised to use simply one large network switch which would connect to one port on the Protectli Vault, or should I buy 2 or 3 switches and connect them to independent ports on the Protectli Vault?

Also how would creating VLAN’s to isolate the security cameras, for example work? Would this be handled on a managed switch, or is it something that would be done in PfSense? Also, are there switches that work ‘better’ with PfSense, or does it not matter?

Apologies if this is a basic question. I am moving away from the all in one solutions, and this is my first time really getting into the DIY approach.
