
I would like to notify a known group of potential customers of a specific service that I offer, which is not apparent to most of them when they use their vendor systems to find someone to perform the service. (Most vendor credentialing services only allow you to specify one service, which is all kinds of stupid as it limits both the vendor and the client.)

I’ve made a lot of sales on foot by identifying the need, and then finding that they didn’t know my service was even an option. This is the main reason I want to send them a brochure.

These are the options that I am considering:

  1. Physically mailing a brochure to each property, addressed to the property manager and/or maintenance manager. As an old person, I like the idea of hard copy brochures, but I don’t know that there are any actual advantages to this option.
  2. Emailing a PDF of the brochure to both the property and maintenance managers at each property. This is faster and easier, and allows them to easily forward the brochure to other people. This is the one I am leaning toward.
