Mercy mains, I swear, most y’all mah-fucks be scared to all hell to whip out that steel. You pansies only whip out the steel when you ultin: when you have health regeneration, unlimited ammo, infinite and erratic flight; only then, will you start shooting that walmart-grade barbie blaster of yours with bullets so big a paraplegic could hit shit aiming with their toes.

Bap mains, we live and die by the steel: saving lives and dropping bodies at the same time is just another day in paradise. So for y’all to start shootin only when you have every advantage, is pure disrespect. Only to fly away when you start losing; that’s straight up cowardly behavior.

If you too scared to whip out the steel when you ain’t ultin, you don’t deserve to whip that shit out when you are.