I’m not sure what’s wrong with it. Sometimes the screen will come back if it’s at the exact angle it needs to be at, but mostly it’s purple vertical lines. I called apple support, and she walked me through some things. Told me to tilt my screen back after she thought she fixed it, and now it’s just staying purple.

I have an appt tomorrow, but has anyone seen this and can anyone give me a ballpark range here?

  • @FlashedArdenB
    18 months ago

    Yeah…. My MacBook Pro 2018 13” screen went off like this… I hope you have some spare $500…

  • @NotDeadYet7917B
    18 months ago

    Considering you can get a used m1 mba for around the same price as the repair I would just do that.

  • @Hot-Particular-4991B
    18 months ago

    I had this issue to, costed me £250 (not through Apple) through a company called eFix LTD, brilliant people used them a few times.

  • @arash051B
    08 months ago

    The display has failed. The unit needs a new whole display assembly. Around $600 at an Apple location.

  • @4v3ngRB
    08 months ago

    This is now officially being called “dustgate”. It is caused when dust (or other particles) get into the screen via the plastic cover (with macbook pro). These particles can then settle on the ribbon cable, and when the lid is closed, the particles can push into the cable and cause the tracks to break.

    There has been a recent uptick in reports (on reddit and other sites). I’ll also note that I too have had it happen to my 2018 macbook pro just a few days ago.

    Apple has acknowledged the problem (in that they fixed it in 2021) but have not yet offered a repair program for it.

    I’m currently using my 2018 as a desktop machine, awaiting for the repair program.

  • @FwellimortB
    -18 months ago

    If you get it fixed from Apple? Probably extortion.

    Maybe you can ask Louis Rossmann about it when he streams on Youtube. Or message his workplace. Guy is super legit when it comes to repairs (just go through his videos). Best to check prices at multiple places.

    It’s probably something stupidly simple like one of your cables being loosely linked. If you don’t know better, repair shops overcharge you.