I’ve been wanting to say this for a while and today’s game seemed like a really good time for it, but am I the only one who thinks it’s weird that the nba is sponsored by multiple gambling sites? With there already being a huge ref scandal that was largely brushed under the rug, this seems like a huge conflict of interest.

Btw, all fans should listen to the whistleblowers podcast. It’s wild that Scott foster is still a referee in this league considering how much contact he had with Tim Donaghy during that time and before I get accused of being a salty Sixers fan, we’ll probably lose in the second round again this year. I don’t think today’s game matters in the long run but I hate feeling like the sport I love is just the wwe version of basketball.

  • loco1989B
    11 months ago

    That’s why you can only get but so invested now. The sooner people realize most of the games are heavily influenced and at the most “fixed” the better. The refs are simply there to control the outcome.