Last I remember he was talking about returning to the LCS. Doublelift was insanely good last year considering it was his first year back after retirement, playing with rookies, and dealing with player swaps mid-year (Not saying other teams didn’t have similar things happen). He was easily a top 3 ADC last year. Likely in contention for the best.
The age argument is silly for so many reasons so I really don’t want to entertain that idea. He was in it for the competition so I don’t think the salary thing would be an issue. I just really can’t see a reason why he wouldn’t be a highly sought after player.
The other day my I was talking about LCS/DL and was told he was returning to streaming. Has anyone confirmed this?
He wasn’t even top 5 last year. You’re just wanting him to be good so you’re paying more attention to him than other adcs.
DL is LCS’s Doinb.
He’s good, but not good enough to be as expensive as he is for his role in the league
“Was insanely good” let me stop you right there before more embarrassment brother
Doublelift makes phat stacks costreaming. Why would he return to pro play?
I like doublelift purely cos he likes to win lane its just fun to watch he just needs a good support get hyli be funny as fuck.
Doublelift is in Maintenance Mode
Dude is just back for the job and activities and people.
He isn’t nutting for another trophy , and he knows Worlds is hopeless, so might as well just stay in top 50% and take it easy