
2024 might be the first time we see Canyon and Showmaker on different teams.

We may get a totally different DK roster, including their Challengers jungler Lucid taking the spot of Canyon.

Showmaker staying is a big sigh of relief, at least for me as a DK fan, but it’s also bittersweet that Canyon might look for a new team.

With Lucid likely starting now, I’m hoping this also means Thanatos is on the horizon as DK’s new starting top laner.

A 2024 lineup of:

  • TOP - Thanatos
  • JUNGLE - Lucid
  • MID - Showmaker
  • ADC - Viper
  • SUPPORT - Beryl

Should be able to win domestically. Maybe even do this:

  • TOP - Thanatos
  • JUNGLE - Lucid
  • MID - Showmaker
  • ADC - Rahel
  • SUPPORT - Bible

And they would still be competitive enough to perform well.

  • waffle-spouseB
    10 months ago

    Finally Lucid is getting promoted. The LCK is currently in an awkward transition state where teams are stubborn with signing younger players and rely on older, declining talent instead (look at KT and DK).