Hey there!
I’m a founder of Blankontech, a software development company based in Indonesia, I built my company 2 years ago and I’m currently diving into some really cool research on Blue Ocean Strategy. This is all about exploring new, untapped market spaces and developing new strategies, I need to understand what drives startup founders like you in your decision-making processes.
I’m reaching out to find startup founders, whether you’ve got a fleshed-out MVP or just an idea you’re nurturing.
Here’s what I’m curious about:
Why did you choose to outsource or build your product with an internal team?
What made you switch from outsourcing to developing in-house, or vice versa?
Your insights are super valuable, and I’d love to have a chat about your journey. We’re talking a friendly, one-hour call – nothing too formal, just sharing experiences and insights. I’m here to listen and learn from your unique perspective.
If you’re interested in sharing your story or just want to connect and talk shop, please comment, drop me a DM, or reach out through our website. Looking forward to some amazing conversations!
