After reading this 4 months old post: Diamond distribution in Snapshot 23w31a compared to 1.20.1

Day 2 (47 minutes in game)

I started a new world on the latest snapshot, 23w46a moved a few blocks from spawn to get a tree and get myself to sea level Y64 then i started digging down with only 8 oak planks and a wooden pickaxe and crafting table in my inv.

Halfway down i found a mineshaft that provided me with 32 torches 10 more planks, 12 coal and 2 diamonds in a chest.

Upon hitting deepslate i found 6 iron.

Continued digging down to Y-57 then started strip-mining with a stone pickaxe, until it died, then made an iron one.

5 minutes later got a 5 diamond vein; made myself a Diamond Pickaxe and continued strip mining, it took me 47 minutes to get enough for full diamond armor and I stopped.

I am technical and my early game is usually a boat to find a village so i dont know if 47 minutes for diamond armor is fast or slow but i made that test.

  • NnazerothOPB
    10 months ago

    Why i am geting negative karma for sharing something i tested?