Just about every pair of L&Fs I try to buy on resell apps like mercari are all fake, and noticeably so from the pictures. Yet, I also notice these pairs are selling without question, and the sellers claim “100% authentic” and are getting away clean. One even almost got me recently. (assuming they took photos of the real pair and sent me these, got a beat up box, trashed wrapping paper, and a bold receipt, no rfid etc., return in route for return now 😂💀)

I might just need to go to stock x goat or ebay. Where have yall found success grabbing these on resell? I hate to do it but I’ve waited a year after taking the L on the drop. It’s time to execute on a pair to collect.

  • Nearby_Turnover1457B
    1 year ago

    I’ve ordered once through stock x and twice through goat. I used their pre verified option for all my orders to avoid waiting and all that other nonsense. Got them all in under a week and they all check out as far as I’m concerned.

  • suzsidB
    1 year ago

    Definitely go through eBay, GOAT, snkr dunk and even here on the buy/trade/sell subreddit. I tend to avoid StockX now because their fees are silly and add cost. With the other apps I mentioned the fees are minimal. And with snkr dunk since they’re out of Japan, no tax (which can save quite a bit! They also ship pretty quickly). Also also - you can find things for less over there than here depending on how much stock was released. Like for instance - I got the Jordan x Balvin 3’s with fees and shipping for like 350 total. Cheapest anywhere. But - the J1 OG mauve are going for $206 over there, but $102 on GOAT, because they’re just sitting over here.

    So bottom line …. No mercari. Only go with shoes that have authentication and comparison shop. ♥️. Happy shopping fam!

    • FRXtraderOPB
      1 year ago

      Thanks for your response! I appreciate it a lot homie! 🙏

      I will certainly take your advice and check out what’s over on snkr dunk 👀💯