Absolutely disgusting, ally sees enemy lineup decides to last pick drow
I had a dude pick sniper into a comp like this but swap muertta for dazzle. He could not kill fucking anyone and went like 3-17 or some shit. We lost. but now until 50 minutes.
CK SB BB, heart and blade mail and bloodstone are all getting buffs on monday
Best part about this is the caption “last pick drow”.
I’m confident I’ve never hated a hero as much as the current Spirit Breaker
Yall ever played against nyx, bara, and spectre? Ward and sentry does literally nothing all you can do is cower and farm in the jungle hoping none of em have a glimpse of you 💀
Playing is fun amirite
Drow is very good against bristle actually :)
Then go outside and touch grass.
The str gain is crazy on sb and ck. They do so much damage and can’t even be killed.