Hey there,

I’m pretty new to watches. I have heard of them - but the idea of wearing one is so alien and foreign to me. Does it hurt? What parts of my childhood will surface and reveal themselves in opportunities of emotional growth? How do I make it bigger or smaller? Things like that come to mind… and they come fast.

My question is - I am seeking a wristwatch that ticks… ticks LOUD.

I have noticed that putting on a CLOCK TICKING SOUND (8 HOUR) NO ANXIETY youtube video causes me deep anxiety. The ticking clock is not correct. It is not actually ticking in time to anything other than my pressing of the play button. It isn’t real. But then again… what is? Is the very understanding of what we have come to know as time just some guy’s pressing of the dial on his CASIO?

I want the ticking I hear to be bound to the true alignment of the universe - the universe we have created for ourselves, collectively. More importantly - the gentle ticks rock me back and forth. I have slept for the first time in seventeen months (not including October 18th) and all I want is a peaceful…dreamy…refreshing…nourishing sleep. I am exhausted.

I’d like to be affordable, preferably silver. Again, I can’t stress this enough - it needs to tick. Whether it ticks quietly but with gust - so I can feel it tick on my wrist. Or loud - even if it disturbs those around me (I am seeking true personal peace here) … (Get your own watch)

Also, I seem to be afraid of the buckle that clips back and slices your flesh.

TL;DR i want a watch that ticks and i want it now.