Champion name: SKN

Q: “Cleave”. Create a cut in any straight line within the radius of 400, dealing 300/400/500 + 60% AD. You can freely choose the position, similar to Irelia E, but the hitbox is very small, about 4 times smaller than Irelia E and much shorter cooldown.

W: “Dive”. Dash and temporarily gain a shield and +30% AD.

E: “Flame arrow”. Shoot a flame arrow with very long range (similar to Jhin W) and roots enemies for 2 second.

R: “Malevolent Shrine”. Create a space of 800 radius, in which Q has 30% of its usual cooldown and 2x longer range, and 3x longer hitbox. Enemies in the space are slowed by 20%. It lasts 8 seconds.