I just installed emacs for Android from the fdroid store. I do not see a way for me to grant storage access to my local device. Without that permission, I don’t see how I can edit files, particularly org files, on my local device

I will put a screenshot of my apps permissions in a comment.

  • @richardxdayB
    18 months ago

    It took me ages to enable the files permission for emacs.

    The easiest way is:

    1. Go into your phone’s settings and search for ‘all files access’
    2. In the Apps results subsection, there should be an option for ‘All files access’, tap it
    3. Then tap on ‘All files access’ in the Special access list
    4. There should be a list of apps with ‘All files access’ permissions
    5. Search for ‘emacs’
    6. Enable the permission for it

    That should be it.

  • @StrangeAstronomerB
    18 months ago

    I dunno the answer to your question but maybe use orgzly on android instead. It mostly works OK but to be honest, I mainly only use it read-only. I use syncthing to synchronise to linux org files.

    Also - how the heck would you use a keyboard-driven application like emacs without a (proper) keyboard? It sounds like punishment.

  • @osvarchaB
    18 months ago


    Do not use the Fdroid Port because it is unsupported and buggy, use the port of the following developer who also distributes a Termux APK to link to Emacs and use its packages.

    Also in its Readme there is some indication for the application and a notion of how it works for my part. I use it with Unexpected Keyboard, but the creator says that he does not use a physical keyboard but a normal keyboard, I suppose he used the Evil mode, but if you are like me we use control left and right.

    In my experience you won’t have support for package managers like straight or Elpaca, but using the default installer in front and extending it with Melpa, as well as working with Termux, I could add a repository with the Emacs $Home through a symlink.


    • @heehaw@lemmy.ml
      18 months ago

      whenever I am trying to install package I am getting error ‘invalid read syntax: “#”,2,4’

      Can you help me with it?