I have no idea what champion to start playing besides Garen.
Juggernauts of the same class as him are all sort of mediocre and don’t feel like they add much to my champion pool, if I do play anything else than Garen currently I’d default to Mordekaiser and Mundo.
Carry champions are generally considered too difficult or onetrick champions, and playing as much Garen as I have I understand why, even a champion as simple as Garen becomes difficult when you want to minmax everything about him, winning would be impossible matchups consistently.
I don’t like Mages that much, I like carry champions but they’re too difficult, I think tanks are for teamplay only for me and Juggernauts are bad.
Any champion suggestions for toplane would be great. Ideally if someone has had experiences of a certain champion teaching them a part of the game.
Just do what NA does and lock in Renekton
Similarly easy safe lane phase outside of a few matchups but his counters aren’t that unplayable.